Friday, February 7, 2014

It's all in how you look at it.

OK.....some of you know how I like to pass on links about interesting and perhaps a bit unusual artists.  I received this one today and felt it would be fun to pass on.  It is only about 2 minutes and worth it if only to make you think.

It so reminded me of a tip I learned in some class a few years back.  (Sorry I can't remember just where or when so I can't give credit)  The idea was this - if you sometimes find yourself wondering about the next step in a piece or just want to see it afresh.....get a different perspective.  Sit somewhere else in the room to view it, etc.  Like the artwork done in this video....perspective can make a HUGE difference!!!

Enjoy and be inspired to see things in a new perspective!


Ineke said...

Whish I could do that.

Wil said...

I have seen this video before. Am wondering if he can do other portraits or paintings in general as well.