I was all set to do another complex cloth piece. Got out my fabric. Had made my stamps a couple of days ago. Found the paints I wanted and did the first layer. Liked it so much I decided to leave it like it is.
The cutting tools I had gotten years ago on E-bay. The erasers I got 3 for $1 at the local dollar store. These tools cut through the erasers like butter!! So much fun!
Just decided to play and make marks on the erasers. When I finished and put the three together I thought it had a kind of tribal look. So, I'm calling this piece - Going Tribal.
I used my hand dyed fabric from another project and first used a brown acrylic paint and then one called sand.
For now - it is complete. But who knows.....someday I may find an image that would go perfectly with this piece and it will get another layer!
Love it Kelly!
Maybe one of those African gourd stamps?
Now that sounds interesting........
I like this piece. It has so much potential. Has a very primitive feel to it. Rust dyed fabric would pair nicely with it.
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