Monday, August 9, 2010

Nurturing Creativity - Week 32

Wow! Can you believe it???  August already....It's been hot and muggy here mostly.  So glad the studio is air-conditoned!!  So, a card for this week..... here goes nothing!!

Celebrate Small Successes

Not hard that one! At least not having to pare down some HUGE success at this time in my life, right?  Small ones are about it. Still, they need to be celebrated.  Can you say short term goals????  Yep, it works.  In fact, there are many many days that I have to settle for just getting something done that day!  That's about as long term as it gets sometimes. And on the days I don't get anything "productive" done....I celebrate having some time out just to rest and chill!  I think I've got this one handled!  I kinda prefer longer-range goals...and I DO have many of them.  Life lately though...often seems to be mostly just surviving to create another day!  Just think how much I'll enjoy the coming time when life will be a bit more predictable???...maybe????  Oh well, a girl can dream right?

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