Friday, January 29, 2010

March Birthday ATCs

I know, I'm getting ahead but I have a big project to start on and I wanted to not get behind on this swap! The color for March is green but I didn't want to do a St. Patrick thing. BUT, March is officially Umbrella month! Who know???!!! And it is also the "windy" month.

The background is one of the gorgeous paper towels I have from snow dyeing clean-up (nothing is wasted in mixed media, right?) I used some fancy yarn to make the "wind" and some umbrella charms I got from e-bay and cut the little loops off the top. It is the wind blowing the umbrella topsy turvy.

In keeping with my Nurturing Creativity concept for this doesn't matter which way they are turned!!

Now, I hope I'm enough ahead to have a breather to begin the other project!