Monday, January 11, 2010

Nurturing Creativity week 2

Another re-shuffle of the cards..........picking one...............and the winner is............

Give Yourself Deadlines!!!

Very timely I think. I have Adaptations to complete before the end of the month. This morning while writing my pages I set down that I want to get it done by the end of this week. That is because I have several other things to work on but want to get this done without having to scramble at the end of the month.

Oh, and I had another idea. One suggestion was to have the numbers coming off the clock go across the piece. I bought several different sizes of number stencils hoping to have the smaller ones next to the clock and getting larger as it goes across the piece. Here is what has been holding me up.......The background that I have chosen for this piece (and love because it fits the concept so well) is a one of a kind CCRR piece that couldn't be easily duplicated - if at all. Then I decided to stencil the numbers on a test piece to see if it accomplishes what I'm looking for. Then this morning it hit me!!! If the test piece turns out OK, it would make a wonderful backing for the quilt!!!! YEAH. Next challenge..........I don't currently have a piece the size I need for this project. SOOOOO.....I've been wanting to do some snow dyeing anyway and decided to do it today and use some colors that I want for the backing of the quilt! Now instead of stuck, I'm excited.

Fabric is soaking in the soda ash as I type. No problem having enough snow!!!! Now I'm going to go mix dyes and start playing!!!

So, here are my deadlines for the week. Complete the snow dyeing this morning (batching overnight). Tomorrow morning I'll finish the fabric and start stenciling. In the afternoon I'll pick the piece if it works out (I'll just use a different snow dyed piece if the stenciling is awful). Then do the window. Wednesday - start the quilting of the piece and hopefully finish it. Thursday and Friday, start putting on the other pieces and stitching them down. Saturday, add any painting or other embellishments I need and start the binding. Sunday, sew on the binding and take photos!!!

The challenge with deadlines is the limbo in which I live these days. Ever heard of the Tyranny of the Urgent???? Yep, that happens on a regular basis. It comes from trying to coordinate the lives of a minimum of 4 adults and 3 babies!!! We'll see how it goes! Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Cobi said...

snow comes and goes here. they predicted snow so I asked Jose to bring pdf from work, but she forgot (that was over the weekend) so no snowdyeing then. later on it didn't snow when predicted but did snow when I didn't have time or energy. looks like we're getting snow for the weekend. someone of our Tegendraads group did snowdyeing. lovely muted colors. someone else did tray dyeing and she got bright fabrics with sharp lines. the snowdyes are on the blog but I'm waiting for the other person to post her tray dyed pieces onto the blog.